Winston-Salem Fellows

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UPDATE Week of March 4

Good times!

The Fellows brought home the golden plastic at the first annual Carolina Cocktail Party!

Round Table at the Bost Cabin!

We had the sweetest time with John and LaDonna on Monday where we ate and sang and shared. 

LaDonna inspired us with both her hospitality and her story!

Clara is devising

Leader Lunch at Truist Park!

It was a day of sport on Wednesday at Truist Park with NC Fusion. 

Sarah Bridges - Chief Experience Officer

Scott Wollaston - Chief Executive Officer

We heard stories, got some great advice and also some swell swag!

Classes at the Fellows House!

Steve Lineberger finished up his four part series on Beautiful Leadership

Steve Angle finished up his three part series on Listening to God

So basically, the Fellows are set for life.


We had the great opportunity to spend time on Wednesday with our friends at WSSU RUF

Four great panelists shared with us about the state of the church. 

We left so inspired and encouraged. Thank you Jonah, Travon, Christina and team!

Carolina Cocktail!

On Friday, the Fellows headed down to Charlotte to join in the first ever Carolina Cocktail with the Charlotte Fellows, Davidson Fellows, and Greensboro Fellows. Good good good times. 

Each team was to create a drink inspired by their city. Third year Fellow Trent helped us create the Reynolds - smoke and all!

Pray for Caleb!

Our beloved Caleb Hoekstra experienced a set back on his quest to NBA glory. He fell poorly after doing a reverse layup and dislocated his kneecap. 

Surgery awaits. Major bummer. It's going to be a journey. Please Pray!

We are thrilled to announce Madison Hardy to the team!

Madison frankly blew us away! Get ready she comes!

Please help us recruit! We are looking for 12 Fellows to join us for our 24-25 year. We can't do it without prayer and without your help!


Sarah Angle would love for you to give to the Fellows. 

Here's how:
Send checks to Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
WSNC 27120

Or give online:

try monthly giving. a small amount every month won't hurt and will help us out immensely!

Looking Forward
Monday: Round Table at the Fellows host this week! If you would like to host in the future please contact us!

Tuesday: Prayer

Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Gardner Barrier at FCDS

Thursday-next Thursday: a little thing called Ecuador!

Prayer Matters
Please pray for our trip to Ecuador!
Pray that God would meet us profoundly and use the Fellows to make an impact for the Kingdom.
Pray for our safe and on time travel
Pray for safety and health
Pray for God to show up and show off
Pray for recruiting - specifically for Christa, Seth, Alex, Jed, Ava, and Drew
Pray for our families

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Keep up sharing the story and spreading the love