Winston-Salem Fellows

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Update - January 18


Let it snow!

This week we came home from the beach to enjoy a winter wonderland here in Winston-Salem. What an incredible week for the Fellows!

Round Table

Tim and Deborah Gardner hosted us in their beautiful home and we enjoyed a delicious taco bar! The Fellows truly enjoy getting to me various folks in our community and having a home cooked meal, and this week was no exception. 

Leader Lunch

We had the privilege of meeting with some of the executive team from Inmar. They each shared candidly about their professional careers, faith, and much more. Even though we weren't able to be with them in person, we were grateful to have the opportunity to meet with them. 

The Fellows surprised me with some yummy treats for my birthday. Crazy to think I keep turning 25 ;) 

Testimony Advance

Each year, we set aside a long weekend to get away and share our stories with one another. As Ned often says, our deepest desire is to be fully known and fully loved. Yet, most of us think if we are fully known then we won't be fully loved. However, we disproved this false assumption as we can all confidently say we love each other even more deeply after this time together. What a privilege to share life with these incredible people! 

Appropriate mug choice for Wil

Polar bear plunge!

Luke, a man who is always prepared as he traveled with his trusty apron.

We found Winston-Salem at the beach!

Miranda's breakfast always looks delicious and it's rare to find these two without an iced coffee in hand. 

We divided up in teams each night to cook dinner andeach meal was quite delicious!

Unfortunately, Delaney wasn't feeling well and had to Zoom in for part of the weekend. Thankfully, she's feeling all better now! 

Ashlyn stood strong and Sarah was her fierce protector. 

We planned to stay at the beach until Monday. However, with the pending snow/ice we decided to come back Saturday night.  We woke up Sunday to a winter wonderland in Winston. As you can see, the Fellows still had a great time. 

Snow Days

Between sledding and hot chocolate breaks, everyone finished sharing their stories. Unfortunately, Ned and I had to join over Zoom. 

They had to improvise because we didn't have any sleds. 

Roads were a bit dicey, but they worked together and figured it out!

Can you tell he went to App?

Week Ahead

Most of the Fellows are heading back to work today. Leader Lunch is set to be with Frank McNair this week and we will have our first classes of the semester on Friday. 


Ashlyn and Mallory want you to consider being a Winston-Salem Fellow! Visit our website for more information.

We have several interviews in next couple of weeks.

Photo Dump

Until next week, you can enjoy the rest of these photos: