Winston-Salem Fellows

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UPDATE Week of October 9

Night on the town

Budgeting 101

Jeff Trollinger helped the Fellows think through their finances on Wednesday. "Believe it or not. You can save money as a Fellow!" 


Marley Cate joined the worship team for the first time on Sunday


We were able to join Chavita's wedding in Ecuador by zoom. What a beautiful bride in such a beautiful dress (given as a wedding gift by our Fellows!)

On the Job

It was Jacob's pleasure to serve his fellow Fellows

Owen and the team dog

Congratulations to Aly Hall who was sworn in as Assistant Commonwealth Attorneys of Kentucky. 

On the Town

Haley and Marley Cate join the rest of the world at the fair

It was karaoke night for the Fellows.

Heart Walk

Fellows and Alums joined forces to walk for Hearts at Triad Park on Saturday morning. What a beautiful day!

Movie Night

The Fellows are working through a long list of all time great movies. 


Gracie would love for you to consider becoming a Winston-Salem Fellow. 

Here is how. 

Go to

Click on the form.

Fill it out.

Send it in!


The Winston-Salem Fellows needs your support! We are more than half way to our goal for this year. Would you please consider a gift today?

Here is how:

go to

Follow the instructions

Thank you!

Looking Forward

Monday: Round Table at the Gardners

Tuesday: Prayer

Leadership: Steve Lineberger and Bible Study

Thursday: TFI Director Call

Friday: Class

Saturday: Service?

Sunday: Church

More Photos 


Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!!!