Winston-Salem Fellows

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Update - November 29

Friendsgiving 2021

Last week was a pretty short week in terms of programming for the Fellows. Before the Fellows headed home for Thanksgiving, we had a wonderful Friendsgiving at the Fellows House. 

Mallory was responsible for the beautiful table decor!

Jamo cooked a delicious mac + cheese!

Wil brought cranberry sauce, but we didn't have a can opener. So, it was more of a decoration, ha!

Ashlyn enjoying a yummy cider that Mallory made. 

Fun games during Friendsgiving

We feasted! The Fellows prepared an amazing meal!

Thanksgiving Travels

Most of the Fellows traveled home for Thanksgiving. Here are some of the highlights: 

Miranda surprised her parents and flew home to Peru! Look at that view!

Caleb was greeted by his sweet mom and three dogs!

Delaney enjoyed some warmer weather in Orlando and was able to enjoy several rounds of Pickle Ball with her family. 

Ned's family flew to Pennsylvania to celebrate Thanksgiving and his parent's 56th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

In-Between Times

I say this quite a bit but one of my favorite parts of this program is watching the Fellows develop deep friendships with one another. Sometimes, these aren't the friends they would have chosen for themselves, but they learn to love and appreciate one another. 

Molly and Ashlyn enjoying a movie night while dog sitting for Ned. 

Girl time in Ashyln's room! 

Adults can build forts too!

Recruitment Update

Last week we had much to be thankful for as we welcomed TWO new Fellows to the 2022-2023 class! 

This is Molly Todd. She's originally from Florida but has been as Demon Deacon for the past four years. Molly is passionate about the city of Winston-Salem and she is a community builder. 

This is Emi Holman. Emi has lived in Mississippi her entire live and is currently a senior at Mississippi State. This girl will lead us all in adventure next year, can't wait!

Financial Support

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and we would be honored to have your support!

Send your checks to 

Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
WSNC 27120

or give online at:

as always - thank you!

This Week

Wil is starting this week off right with the dinner of champions. 

Monday- Round Table with the Barnes

Wednesday- Leader Lunch with Willard Bass

Friday- Highlands Ability Battery assessment with Ned and the Virginia Beach Fellows

Photo Dump

group hug! 

not sure what's happening here

Queen Sydney!