January 2024 Update


January 2025 Update

The Fellows have hit the ground running in 2025. We had our Testimony Retreat, Biblical Vocational Training, and a few other things. 


At our first gathering after Christmas Break we celebrated Kevin with a delicious ice cream cake. The Fellows were kind to also celebrate Hef with a homemade cookie cake. Celebrating one another is one of our greatest traditions. 

Leader Lunches

We had the privilege to meet with Brian Peacock who is the Director of PA Studies at WFU. He's an incredible communicator and we were honored to hear parts of his story. 

We also met with Joe and Duncan Maye, the Directors of Rise Academy We were inspired by their story and the school they've built for the Waughtown community. (Fun fact: Madison H. is employed by Rise Academy this year)

Snow Days

The Fellows enjoyed our first snow in several years! They had plenty of space on Crossnore's campus to throw snow balls, sled, make snow angels, etc.  Snow can bring out the inner kid in all of us!

Testimony Advance

Every January, the Fellows go to the beach to share our testimonies. Several Fellows would say they shared parts of their past they've never shared before. It was an honor and privilege to listen to each others stories, ask questions, pray, and encourage one another.

During breaks we logged some miles on the beach. (Those of us over the age of 25 learned we can't walk too far on the beach without proper food support.) The Fellows were broken up into teams to cook our dinners every night. We also had a couple pretty intense games of Catan. 

Samaritan Ministries

Throughout the year the Fellows have had the opportunity to serve at a couple fundraisers for Samaritan Ministries. This month, we actually went and heard from several staff members about the history and impact that Samaritan Ministries is having in our community. We also were tasked with organizing a closet and making personal care item bags for their guests. Be sure to check them out and consider volunteering!

Biblical Vocational Training

Each year the Fellows are given several different assessments that help them know and understand their gifts, strengths and weaknesses. This year, we partnered with the Greensboro Fellows and welcomed Cameron Barham to lead us through this training. Cameron helped us interpret our results on the Highlands Ability Battery and MCODE. More importantly, he walked us through a biblical understanding of vocation and our callings. We're thankful to partner with the Greensboro Fellows on this and grateful for the hospitality of Hope Presbyterian Church.


If you or someone you know is a recent college graduate and is interested in the Fellows program, we are currently accepting applications for 2024-2025. During our nine month program, Fellows are challenged and stretched in new ways. They are given the resources and time to consider next steps. They have the opportunity to experience rich community and so much more! If you're interested in learning more you can check out our website.


Though program costs have risen due to natural inflation, we have decided to not raise our tuition cost anymore. We rely on the support of our community to keep welcoming these incredible young men and women to our city.  We would love to have your support! You can donate here!

December Update


December Update

This month went by especially quickly because we only had three full weeks together before Christmas break. However, we seemed to pack a lot in! Apparently we were having so much fun we didn't take as many photos. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Madison A's family owns a Christmas tree lot, so she brought back the cutest tree. It smells wonderful and has the perfect topper...a sombrero!


The Fellows have had a blast serving with a variety of nonprofits this month. Above you can see them bringing Christmas cheer to the Penny Campaign with Samaritan Ministries. 

We also had the opportunity to work with LEAD girls. This was our first time partnering with this incredible organization that works with low income/at risk pre-teen girls. They are doing remarkable work empowering, equipping and educating these young girls. We helped pack winter bags for the girls, then had the chance to write some encouraging notes that will be given out through the year. 

It's a Fellow's tradition to end the semester by volunteering at Christmas for the City, and this year was no exception. We had a blast and served in various roles. We were thrilled to be with Santa and Mrs. Claus (also Madison A's mentor)!

Having Fun

The Fellows really enjoy exploring all Winston has to offer. They found a local skate rink to take them back to the nostalgia of their childhood. 

Leader Lunch

Since we served at LEAD girls one afternoon, we only had two Leader Lunches this month. However, what we lacked in quantity, we made up for in quality! First, we met with the incredible Lynn Barclay Brewer. Lynn has been incredible leader and trail blazer her entire career. We are fortunate enough to have her on our Board as well. 

Then, we had the honor of meeting with Dr. Tony Atala. Although Dr. Atala is a world renowned physician, he is incredibly humble. He helped us understand what the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine does and how their cutting-edge work is saving lives. And more importantly, he shared how his faith and study of science have overlapped. As if that wasn't enough, we then had the chance to go on a tour of the WFIRM with Anastasia. 

Round Table

One thing is for sure, as a Fellow, you are well fed. We didn't get any pictures but were hosted by Tim and Deborah Gardner earlier this month. Then, the amazing Julie Gupton outdid herself once again with a wonderful meal and beautifully set table. 

Christmas Party

Our last Round Table was actually our Christmas party hosted by several alumni: Bryn, Sarah and Louise! We played our traditional game of Dirty Santa, but with several twists. There was some fun competition and lots of laughs. 


Another annual Fellow's tradition is our version of a Moravian Lovefeast. A sweet time together before wrapping up this semester. 

Happy Birthday Ava! We celebrated Ava after a delicious lunch of the best tacos in town followed by homemade cheesecake. 


We are very grateful for the many donors that make this program possible. In fact, almost 50% of our annual budget is raised by local support. This year, we've been given the lavish gift of a 25k match for the month of December. As you consider your end of year giving, we humbly ask that you help us meet our match and your gift will be doubled! Learn more here.

Merry Christmas!

If you're receiving this update, then you have some connection to the Winston-Salem Fellows program. We would like to say thank you for your support. We are constantly in awe of the incredible young men and women that come to our city through this program. Wherever you are this Christmas season and whatever is going on:

 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 15:13. 

November Update

November Update

This month has been full of fun fall activities, service, and several alumni weddings!


Reiley Burris (class of 2020-2021) married Collin Miller on a beautiful weekend in South Carolina. Their date and venue were changed due to Hurricane Helene, but by these pictures you can't tell! Luckily, her host mom, Emily Bing, was able to make it. 

Thomas Laws (class of 2022-2023) married Kate May on a beautiful fall evening. Thomas and Kate actually met during a professional development training as Fellows. Kate was a Fellow in Greensboro. His wedding was a fun class reunion (minus one) and plus Caleb!

Molly Dwyer (class of 2021-2022) married Scott Schachner on a lovely November day. So much love is in the air!

Leader Lunch 

On Wednesday afternoons the Fellows have the opportunity to hear from various leaders in our community. We are so delighted for them to have the opportunity to learn from these remarkable men and women. 

Brad Bennett from Wildfire provided a delicious lunch from Grecian Corner while he shared parts of his personal and professional journey with us. 

The Fellows were thrilled to meet with Richard Daniels, Executive Director of the William G. White, Jr. Family YMCA. They are all very grateful for their YMCA memberships!

Keith Vest, Co-Founder and Partner at the Variable, showed off some of his talents with an illustrative and engaging presentation during Leader Lunch. Keith, we appreciate you sharing all parts of your story - both the good and the hard. 

Andrew Applegate has been a mentor for several past Fellows. He is a remarkable leader, avid reader, and engaging communicator. The Fellows are still quoting some of the wisdom he shared with us. 

Around the Community

We had the opportunity to participate in Crisis Control's poverty awareness program called Living on the Edge. Afterwards, we helped sort an entire pallet of canned foods for their food pantry. 

Jed and Ellie ran the Ardmore RAH while Ava volunteered. As you can see, they had a few fans cheering them on. 

Several alumni came to see John Allen, our mission partner with Education Equals Hope in Ecuador. Fellow alum, Jacob Gauthier, won his age division! 

Fall Fun

This creative group of Fellows decided to do pumpkin painting instead of carving. 

The Fellows made their own "Friends Video."  If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check it out on our instagram.

The guys are really enjoying the benefits of Kevin working at a golf course. 

Many Fellows went to a costume silent disco at the Ramkat, followed by a nutritious late night snack at Waffle House. 

Fellows were excited to welcome Henry and Jessie to town for the weekend. 

A group went hiking on Pilot Mountain to enjoy the beautiful North Carolina foliage. 

We apparently don't take many photos at Round Table, but here are a few of us dressed up for Halloween at the Frick's!

A hiking trip was postponed due to frigid temps, but the Fellows were still able to have a campfire and make s'mores. 

We celebrated Steve the day after his birthday with a homemade cake. 

We also had the chance to celebrate Rob Paynter's birthday at Bible Study.


We have had the privilege of learning from so many great folks this semester. Unfortunately, we haven't done a great job taking pictures with all of them. Thank you Joe Moore, Katy Benoit, Jeff Trollinger, Stephen Edwards, and Martha Metzler! 

National Conference

Earlier this month we gathered with Fellows programs from across the country in our nation's capitol. We learned from wise teachers and explored a few museums in downtown DC. 

Jed's dad, Justin, went to seminary with one of the speakers, Russ Whitfield. 

Down to the subway!


The Fellows transformed our classroom into a cozy and beautiful space for our Friendsgiving. I'm not sure if they saw it as a competition from years past, but if so, class of 2025-2026 you have your work cut out for you. 

As we shared things we were grateful for this year, a couple Fellows said their churches, jobs, and mentors here in Winston. We are so grateful for each of these nine Fellows and the community in this incredible city that graciously welcomes them year after year. 

Is it even Friendsgiving without our beloved Nick? 


Believe it or not, we are already receiving applications for our 2025-2026 class. If you or someone you know is interested, please go to our website to apply!


As we are quickly approaching December, we would be honored if you would consider the Winston-Salem Fellows in your end of year giving. We depend on the generous gifts from members of this community to continue offering this program each year. 

UPDATE - October 2024


Our ninth class of Winston-Salem Fellows

It's been a while since our last update...and there's a lot to update you on! On August 26, we welcomed  nine new Fellows to Winston Salem. We can't wait for you to meet them! If you see them around town, please introduce yourself.

New Staff

But first, we would like for you to meet our new Assistant Director, Steve Angle. You may recognize Steve as he and his wife, Christy, have been pillars of faith in the Winston Salem community for decades. Steve was on staff with InterVarsity for seven years. He also has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling as well as Master of Divinity. He has planted and pastored two churches. You're likely to find Steve running at Salem lake, immersed in a good book, or spending time with his sweet grandchildren. We couldn't be more grateful that Steve came out of retirement to serve the Fellows! 


Top Row (left to right): Hef, Drew, Antonio, Kevin, Steve
Middle Row (left to right): Madison A., Ava, Ellie, Eliza, Madison H.
Bottom: Jed

We spent one day of Orientation in Winston-Salem, then headed to the lake. The Parker family graciously offered us their home away from home.  We spent the week getting to know Winston Salem, each other, and discussing our year together. We also had a lot of fun and laughed quite a bit. We wrapped up the week attending the WFU v UVA game with some alumni, go Deacs!


In September, we continued a long standing Fellows birthday tradition. Happy (late) Birthday to Madison A. and Drew!


Before starting our official classes, we ask a few experts to give tours on the history of Winston Salem. Thank-you to Ginny Tobiassen for our tour around Old Salem, and Terrance Hawkins for the Freedom Ride. We had a Professional Development day led by Anne Powers. The Greensboro Fellows came to town for this as well! Finally, we had our first class with Jeff Trollinger: Budgeting 101. This practical life skills class is a Fellows favorite! 

Leader Lunch

Every Wednesday the Fellows have the privilege of hearing from various incredible community leaders. We've started the year strong with John Bost, Lanie Ehlinger, Steve Gallagher, Steve Lineberger, and Phillip Summers.

Fall Advance

At the end of September, we went away to get to know each other a little bit better. During our time away, we discussed "critical scenes" from our life and how that has created false beliefs in our lives. Though this was heavy, we did spend some time getting lost in a corn maze, playing a few rounds of Mafia, and having ice cream before dinner. We spent time alone in solitude allowing the Lord to speak into these false beliefs and allow His light to shine is some of those dark places. What an incredible weekend!

Fun Around Town

The Fellows have spent their spare time exploring Winston Salem local businesses, hiking spots, coffee shops, and more. Last week they also had a day of fun at the Carolina Classic Fair! They've also been finding ways to serve such as at Sam&Eggs and helping set up Joy Prom.

It's safe to say that we truly have had an incredible start with our ninth class...and we've just gotten started! We are excited and expectant on what the Lord will do in and through us this year. 


I realized it sounds crazy that we're already talking about recruiting, but it's true! In fact, we've already received our first application for 2025-2026. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please tell them to contact us and apply!

Thank you

We just want to take a moment to thank our community for welcoming nine classes of Fellows to Winston Salem. We are proud to tell recruits about this city and community. Thank you to the churches, family friends, and mentors who spend the year pouring into these Fellows. Thank you to all the employers who are offering work experience. 
Thank you leader lunch speakers, round table hosts, and teachers.  And, thank you to our Board of Directors who work hard behind the scenes to care for this program. 

UPDATE - Ending Well


It was a special end well week for a special class of Fellows

(There are A LOT of photos in this one. Consider yourself warned!)


We celebrated Stephanie's "birthday" It was a perfect person to end on. 

Tammy Priest also shared her story! What a story it is!


We circled back to the mountains for our final advance of the year. 


We had a blast for our parent ice cream social on Saturday, including pickleball and a slide show


Final day at our churches! At Hope Emi (Fellows Alum) sent the three Fellows off!


Graduation is one of our favorite moments of the year. 

We honoered two of our longest standing board members. Thanks Shannon and JT.

Then Fellow Families, Mentors and Bosses shared and blessed each Fellow

Steve Angle prayed us out.

Lots of sweet photos afterward (see below)


We had a bite to eat and a beverage later that evening. 


It was a Leader Lunch of a different kind as Jacob shared at Flywheel


Philip and Caronline's wedding was on Saturday. Truly one of the most beautiful ceremonies and recptions I have ever attended. Such sweetness!

Garret Briggs graduated from nursing school. And the best news is that he and Caroline are moving back to town!


We had a Sunday afternoon cookout to celebrate Memorial Day Eve


Thanks all! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love

UPDATE Week of May 13

Northern lights in Winston-Salem???? What!

Round Table

We had a great time with CT doing his best version of a Japanese Steakhouse Chef for Round Table on Monday

Hef led us in a discussion on the last part of Life Vision Statements

Leader Lunch

What an awesome last Leader Lunch! Last! NOOOOOO!!!! We were with some of the amazing staff at Inmar. 


On a glorious Saturday, about half the Fellows strode forward at the River Oaks run supporting Pivot Ministries

Crossnore Prom

Crossnore asked if we could help set up for their prom! Jacob took advantage with a prom-posal!

Northern Light

What a surreal experience, watching the wondrous light display over our neck of the woods

Mothers Day

We Celebrate Hef! our den mother and mama bear!
What a great role model she is of professional woman and super mom!
Happy Mother's Day!

Ned had the chance to celebrate the day with his mom and two aunts!

Check out this post from Ned's daughter!


Well....the circus was supposed to come into town, but it got into an accident...so the Fellows went to Putters.

Around Town

Salem Band

Lavender drinks

Rotary meetups

special deliveries

veterans events

crisis control service

the Fellows sure do get around!


We are in process with a few Fellows - but really need more help in recruiting! If you are aware of young adults who would benefit from a year of professional development and spiritual growth - please put us in touch!

email winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com

or text (336) 413-4918


What better time than now to pay it forward and support the Fellows!

Send checks to PO Box 20514. Winston-Salem, NC 27120

or go online at https://www.wsfellows.com/give

Looking Forward

Monday: Last Round Table

Tuesday: Prayer

Wednesday-Friday: End Well Advance

Saturday: Parent Social and Slide Show

Sunday: Graduation!

Prayer Matters

Pray for the Fellows as we end well this week!

Pray for jobs

Pray for new Fellows

Pray for our finances

Pray for our families

More Photos 


Keep sharing the story and spreading the love.

UPDATE Week of May 6

Major shout out to Gracie who helped put together the Hammerbird 5k supporting Habitat for Humanity. Shout out also to Jacob G. for finishing in second place!

Round Table

We had a blast at the Paynters house on Monday. We celebrated Marley Cate and ate Cuban food. Only two more to go!

Leader Lunch

What a special Leader Lunch on Wednesday with Jen Sanders! Jen is a woman who has taken tragedy and transformed it into greater purpose. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

Bible Study

We completed our journey through the Gospel of Mark together and sang the Doxology in closing. Thanks to David, Shannon, and Rob for leading us so well this year!


We had some stellar classes this week, including archery with Clay Cooke. Just kidding. Although Clay did use an arrow as a primary illustration!


Noah led Middle School in a large closing event at River Oaks. 

Hammerbird 5k

As mentioned earlier, Gracie did an outstanding job at the Hammerbird!

We love Habitat for Humanity. Please add them to the organizations you support. 

Leadership Lewisville Clemmons

There is Thomas Laws on the right at Leadership Lewisville-Clemmons. He was selected to be in their cohort this year. Ned and Hef were asked to come to speak on the challenges and opportunities of employing young adults. Good times!

Dress Up Day

Saturday was Anna Rose's prom! Her mom and dad also had a dress up event that evening, so it was a great chance to get some pics.

So proud of the woman she is becoming.

The Fellows it seems also got dressed up on Saturday!!!

Supporting the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Winston-Salem. Another organization worthy of support. 

On the Job

Dharma got flowers at work! Great job Dharma!

Elizabeth (Fellows Alum) at the College LAUNCH graduation. Anna Rose was one of the students who completed the program this year!


We are still looking for more men and women to join our Class of 24-25. 

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more. Please contact us at winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com or go to our website https://www.wsfellows.com/take-action and apply today!


We want to thank all the donors who support this program. Without your financial backing we could not do what we do. Please consider donating today!

Looking Forward

Monday: Round Table
Tuesday: Prayer and Board Meeting
Wednesday: Leader Lunch at Inmar
Thursday: Directors Call
Friday: Last Class and Interviews

Prayer Matters

Pray for Fellows as we seek to End the Year Well
Pray for Next Steps
Pray for our finances (that they would increase!)
Pray for our recruiting (that that would increase as well!)
Pray for our families
Pray for our alumni

More Photos 

Thanks! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love.


UPDATE Week of April 29

The Fellows really do get around! This week was just one more example of it...Above we have the Fellows at City Lights Ministries, sort snack packs for their little friends. Below, we have Stephanie at Chad's Chai, typing away at her book! 

Round Table

We had an awesome time with the Frick family for Round Table on Monday night. Since it was Passover we had a special dinner and shared communion with each other.

Thank you Fricks for opening your home to us!

Service Day Part 1

Once a month, we do a special Leader Lunch and spend the time at a local ministry to do service. This month was with Melanie Bell and City Lights Ministry

After learning about her family and the work they do, we created snack bags for children and organized clothes as they transitioned from winter to summer in their clothing ministry.

Service Day Part 2

We double dipped and kept the momentum going with a deep clean both inside and outside of the Fellows House.


We triple dipped with classes this week!

First with Rob Alexander on Gospel-Centered Work
Then, Clay Cooke with Foundations of Faith and Humanity
Then, Stephen Edwards on Career Discernment and Decision Making

The classes even went long, but the Fellows were zoned in!


The fellows worshipped around Winston-Salem

They also served in youth groups around town

About Town

They certainly get around!


Ned made a quick trip down to High Point University for recruiting. 

We are still looking for men and women to fill up our class for next year. If you or you know someone who might be interested, please connect us to them or them to us!

winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com is one way
or text (336) 413-4918

Thanks! God might be using you to impact a life!


The Fellows Program needs faithful supporters like you!

Become one today by going to our secure website:

Looking Forward

Monday: Round Table at the Paynters
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Jen Sanders
Thursday: Speaking at Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber
Friday: Class
Saturday: Hammerbird 5k
Sunday: Cinco de Mayo!

Prayer Matters
Please pray for the Fellows as they are making decisions about their next steps
Please pray for all of us to savor the last few weeks of the program and finish well
Pray for our volunteers: mentors, families, and board members
Pray for our finances that people would be generous to this program
Pray for recruiting! We are asking for twelve Fellows for next year and we have a ways to go!

More Pics

Thanks all! Please keep sharing the story and spreading the love!

UPDATE Week of April 22

Just another sunset from the Fellows House...view from Crossnore, last week


What a glorious evening at the Minnich's home last Monday. The weather and the meal was out of this world! We sat around tables, worshipped, and talked about our Life Vision Statements...good times! Thank you Steve, Michelle, and Josiah!


What a wonderful lunch at Womble Bond and Dickinson with Edward Griggs, Kim Stogner and Jonathan Hilliard, three estate lawyers. 

If anyone has an insight on what matters in life, it would be them!

They were incredible. Thank you!


The Fellows provided dinner for our recuperating Caleb on Tuesday. It will be a long road toward recovery, but it will be easier with friends! Keep Caleb in your prayers.


Friday night, we went to hear from musicians, painters, makers, and poets at the Bi-Annual event put on by the Almond Tree Collective. West Salem Public House hosted. Such a good time!

Elizabeth stands by one of her amazing pieces of art below! What talent we have in Winston-Salem!


The entire family came down for a Gala at Winston-Salem State University this weekend. Stephanie looked stunning!

We are in recruiting mode!!!

At the moment, we still have five committed. There are a few more in the pipeline, but we are going to need your prayers to get to 12 this year by the end of May!

So let's get on our knees and pray together!

Also, send folks to our website



We would deeply appreciate your financial support. Every little bit counts! Join the team today!



Pray for recruiting
For our finances
For jobs for the Fellows
For ending well
For our families
For our mentors
For our employers
For our board members
and for our staff!

That's it. Ha!


Thanks all! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love y'all

UPDATE Week of April 15

Something bout the Southland in the Spring time


What an awesome evening with Mitch and Elaine Garrison (Ian's Family Friends). We ate out by the lake and made a campfire. Sang songs and talked about stepping forward. 

The food was amazing and the hospitality was bar none.

Thanks Garrisons!


We had a super special Leader Lunch this week with Norm and Patricia Potter. Norm's story is worth hearing! If you are looking to be inspired - reach out to him!

Patricia used to babysit Ned's kids! What a small world.


This photo is actually a photo of several of us working from home this week! 

However, if you can use your imagination, this room was transformed both Thursday night and Friday morning with two insightful teachers: Rob Alexander and Jeff Trollinger.

Soooo good. 


Congratulations on Dharma winning both the Fellows Basketball Bracket and her Work's Basketball Bracket!

She was also the Employee of the Month!


Also kudos to Noah for saving this cat from death and more importantly finding it in a new home.

Also, good job Noah for whatever this is


We strongly believe that we are growing unique individuals here at the Winston-Salem Fellows despite what this picture might signal.

If you have a young person in your life that needs community, a kick start in their career, and a deeper abiding relationship with God - please connect us soon. 

Spaces are filling!

go to wsfellows.com/take-action today


We are working together to change lives!

Please join our team by contributing today. 

to support us with a portion of your refund!


Monday: Round Table with the Minnichs
Tuesday: Prayer and Bettina Love
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Womble Bond Dickinson and Bible Study
Thursday: CD Workshop
Friday: Class with Rob and Trolly
Saturday: Earth Day


Pray for Fellows as they continue to make decisions about next year. 
Pray for our recruiting! We need more applicants!
Pray for our finances, that God would put it on the hearts of folks in our community to give. 


Thanks all. Keep sharing the story and spreading the love 

UPDATE Week of April 8


It was Spring Break and Hef and Ned took about half the week to be with our families. The Fellows seemed to handle our absence just fine.


We had an awesome Round Table at the Hawthorne House. Fellows Alums cooked us dinner and the four women who live their shared some advice about finishing well and life after the program. 

thanks Bryn, Caroline, Louise and Sarah!

We also celebrated Clara on her not-birthday!


Joanna Lyall is one of our favorite Leader Lunch speakers, and it's not because she provides us with Grecian Corner. 

Joanna Lyall is an exemplar of Leadership. What a gift to have her share her story with us!


What other Fellows Program gets to have the author of the book on Gospel-Centered Work teach their class on Gospel-Centered Work????

Looking forward to the next few weeks with Rob Alexander!


The Fellows rescued a cat from Mark and Dana Nicholson's home. Now, it needs a new home. If you have compassion for furry felines, please let us know - we would like you to have Sophia the cat.


The Fellows went line dancing over the weekend. Yee-Haw


The Meyers are putting Haley to work. Just one more plus in being a family friend!

If you are interested in Mentoring, being a Family Friend, or being an Employer next year, please contact us.

Also - we are still filling our class for next year. Particularly with some guys. Please help us recruit!


Ask questions to winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com


We are grateful for the opportunity to give our lives away! We get to do this because of generous donors like you!

Please support the Fellows by giving today

Thank you!

This week:
Round Table at the Garrisons!
Tuesday Prayer
Wednesday Leader Lunch with Norm Potter
Thursday Directors Call
Friday Class

Pray for Fellows as they make decisions on Jobs and Where to Live Next Year
Pray for Recruiting! We have five committed and want twelve!
Pray for finances! We need about $40k by the end of July
Pray for CT and his new job
Pray for reentry after Spring Break


Thanks all! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!

Ecuador Day 6: The Final Day (Stephanie + Clara)

 A recap of our final day in Ecuador!

Half the group seized the day and took to the trails early for a challenging sunrise hike in the cloud forest region where we were staying. 

  Pretty breathtaking. God is good!

After breakfast, the fellows dispersed around El Refugio’s property (the retreat center that hosted us) to embark on various work projects. 

Gracie and Dharma hung curtains in the new house on El Refugio's property. Look no further HGTV scouts.

Ned and Jacob G. mowed the grass. Look at them go. 

Ian installed an air vent like a pro.

Stephanie fixed cabinets in the kitchen. The sweet smile of success...

Palmer installed lights. 

Haley fixed up some windows!

Will whipped out his welding skills. Pretty cool.

Marley Cate, Hef, Clara, Jacob C. and Noah pounded away at some post holes for a new alpaca enclosure. 

Jacob C. pictured with one of his many conquered roots.

In the afternoon, the fellows enjoyed free time spent reflecting on the week. 

Some of us used this time to hike; there was no shortage of huffing and puffing along the way, but it was more than worth it for the stunning vistas surrounding us on all sides. 

An abundance of eucalyptus trees!

After solo time, we debriefed the week together at the foot of a cross overlooking the lush and misty mountains. We had the opportunity to share what we learned, how we felt encouraged, and the challenges we encountered throughout the week.

Our hosts from Education=Hope prayed over each of us and gave everyone an E=H bracelet. They are the best.

In the evening, we celebrated with a closing feast complete with a bounty of fruits, fresh juices, and skewers of plantains, veggies and meats roasted over an open fire. 

We also tasted the renowned Cui, or guinea pig, a staple of Ecuadorian cuisine. 

Finger lickin’ good.

We ended the evening with a time of affirmation around the fire where we uplifted one another as a group. 

Haley assembled a flower crown from wildflowers around the property that we placed on each person’s head as we affirmed them. It was a special time of reflection and encouragement to finish the week. 

This concludes our series of Ecuador updates! Thank you for following along, and thank you to E=H and all of our hosts. We are so grateful for the opportunity to come and learn from all of you. 

More pictures below!

UPDATE Week of April 1


He is risen indeed!

Easter Sunrise

The Fellows woke up pre-dawn to participate in one of Winston-Salem's oldest traditions - Easter Sunrise at God's Acre

Round Tables

We have had some great Round Tables of late

Denise Heidel prepared one.

Then, Michelle and Owen Wood!!!!!

Then, Scout and Whitney Ewing!!!!!! (Their table was not round, but it was long!)

Leader Lunches

We have also had some stupendous Leader Lunches. 

Gardner Barrier, the Head of School at Forsyth County Day

Then, Josh Goocey, the theologian and wealth advisor

Then, Stephen Edwards, a founding board member and also a wealth advisor

Congrats Thomas and Kate!

Thomas Laws made a good decision and proposed to former Greensboro Fellow, Kate May!

Congrats Thomas and Kate


We had the sweetest of times at the Flow Farm on our Day of Solitude

Brunch Time

We also had a great time with Haley's parents as they swung through town!

It was an indoor picnic at the Fellows House!

Ribbon Cutting

We celebrate Trent Hancock as he cuts the ribbon at Lot 63

Alum and Fun

Sam Bishop was here visiting!

The Fellows are finding their way I would say


Stephanie Singletary is hyping up the Fellows Program at WSSU

We are in recruiting season (we are always in recruiting season! Ha!)

So now is the time to apply.

Go to our website today!


We are also in GIVING SEASON (we are always also in giving season! Ha!)

So now is also the time to give.

Go to our website today!

A Look Ahead

Monday: Round Table
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: Joanna Lyall Leader Lunc
Friday: Classes Resume!

Prayer Matters

Please Pray for Hef and Ned as they travel with their families during spring break!
Pray for the Fellows while they are gone
Pray for our alums. Some are riding the struggle bus.
Pray for our current Fellows as they consider their futures!

More Pics

Ecuador Day 5!

El Reypin at the park, Supermercado, Youth World, La Casa Gabriel
Today is brought to you by Jacob C and Palmer 

View from the top of Altagpamba

We had an awesome time with the kids of El Reypin at the park

Alejandro loved to knock Jacobs hat off 

The top 3 items we bought from the market were tea, banchis, and chocolate

                                                                                        At the end of the day we went to a ministry of E=H called La Casa Gabriel and thoroughly enjoyed our time there


Ecuador Day 4: El Reypin, Games, and the Equator

Today's adventures in Ecuador are brought to you by Gracie and Jacob G!

For Day 4, we went to El Reypin, which is a private school for children intellectual and physical disabilities. Marta, the director, took us on a tour of the school and told us about what the staff does there. We also got to meet the students!

Afterward, we went to a nearby park and played games with the students (but only after warming up with an awesome dance song led by Marta).

We were paired up with the students for these games. Gracie was paired with Alejo (who was extremely sweet and LOVED to run), and Jacob G was paired was Alejandro (who loved stealing his hat). Will had a special assignment; he helped train one of the school's therapy dogs!

We returned to the school and learned about how the school plans to use therapy dogs to help the children. The dogs were incredible!

We got to share our impressions of the school: all of us were so impressed by the level of care the staff there provides. And we loved learning why Marta does this type of work: because it's her calling.

Lunch that day was at John's favorite Greek restaurant. The food was great and the riddle games were intense.

Next we stopped at the Equator Museum, where we learned more about Ecuadorian culture, the equator (obviously), and chocolate production. Half the Fellows became certified Egg Mastery Champions, too; they have official documentation to prove it.

After getting back from the museum, there was some free time before dinner and a group of fellows explored more of El Refugio! 

Our day finished up with dinner at El Refugio and debrief, along with worship led by Ned's trusty guitar.

Stay tuned for Day 5!

Ecuador Day 3: Cottage, Crater, Cuties

You want more Ecuador? Say less!!!!

Welcome to Day 3 of our adventures in Ecuador with Dharma and Haley:

We aren't in Kansas anymore. Hostería Rose Cottage in the daylight was breathtaking. 

And look at those cutie sheep. Jacob and Dharma went flying but gravity got the best of them.

We soaked in the sights (cutie sheep, cutie fellows, and a zipline).

Then we skedaddled back to the kids of Carmen Bajo at Pastor Fabian's property. Breakfast was a glorious symphony of bacon, pancakes, and enough fruit to make a smoothie bar jealous. 

Enter Clara, the Michelangelo of fruit art. 

Then, it was GAME TIME; glorious chaos.

To begin the games, we attempted the human chair- a little tricky due to height disparity. 


We played 'grrr' 'chomp' 'ssss' and good ol' backpack, baby, bunkbeds. 

After fun and games, we gathered together for worship and a message. Worship brought the reappearance of our one-hit wonder 'Solo Dios Puede Salvar!' It was still a smash hit.

Noah shared some of his story with the kids in Spanish, encouraging them to say thank you to people they love while they still can.

Joel preached too; he kept things simple and spoke with passion. The kids were reminded that they are princes and princesses of God.

Then, Gracie and Ian came through to perform their favorite song, 'You Forgive Me'.

Look it up. It's catchy. 

The final game involved some suspense and a lot of laughs.

Let's just say it was a mystery we're not qualified to solve. But enjoy some fun faces.


We then enjoyed our final meal at Pastor Fabian's property.

 After lunch, we headed down a big hill to find the bus and meet the kids at the Cuicocha Lagoon.

The Cuicocha Lagoon is an active volcanic caldera- 656 ft at its deepest part! Its name comes from the Kichwa indigenous language and means "Lago del Cuy" or Guinea Pig Lake in English! Legend has it, if you spot a golden guinea pig it will give you good fortune! But if it spots you first, you turn into a duck. So look out!

After an awesome boat ride, fellows had a (somewhat stressful) speed run at the Otavalo Market, before reuniting with the kids from Carmen Bajo for an epic dinner (pizza is a universal love language).

After dinner, saying goodbye to our friends from Carmen Bajo was bittersweet. (Stephanie and Dharma gave goodbye words!

The bus ride back to El Refugio was a dance party fueled by exhaustion and questionable dance moves. We learned a new dance called the Mayonesa (expertly taught by Chivita) and showed her some of our favorites, too. These sleepy muffins can party.  

After all that fun we made it back to El Refugio, and let's just say Gracie was ready to hit the hay. We feel you, girl. 

So there you have it. Another day in Ecuador! No time change here, still bedtime.

 Dharma and Haley

Ecuador Day 2: Carmen Bajo, Ríos, Chicos

Saturday morning, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast of pancakes, passionfruit, and coffee at El Refugio to give us energy for our first day with the kids.

We began our day at Carmen Bajo, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Quito.

There we met Joel, a youth pastor at Carmen Bajo's local church. He gave us a tour of the neighborhood and shared his incredible life story.

Next, we completed poverty training with Cameron Vivanco from Education Equals Hope.

Key lessons:

  • Poverty of Condition vs. Poverty of Being
  • It is more blessed to give than to receive (so allow people to give to you!)
  • Reciprocal partnership instead of mutual using

Before we left, the Fellows found time for quick games of basketball and volleyball.

We stopped for lunch at Riobambenita and enjoyed fried pork, boiled corn, tree-tomato salsa, pickled onions, fried corn kernels, and avocado!

With our stomachs overflowing and our spirits jubilant, we met up with the kids of Carmen Bajo at Pastor Fabian's beautiful property.

After meeting the kids, we hiked to a nearby creek and played in the water.

Upon returning to Pastor Fabian's property, we debuted our special Spanish song that we had been preparing for weeks: Solo Dios Puede Salvar! It was a smash hit.

Next, Clara shared a message in Spanish based on Colossians 3:23 -- "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." 

One student was so inspired by Clara that she asked for her outline!

The Fellows ate Cordon Bleu for dinner, while the kids enjoyed good old-fashioned hot dogs around the fire!

After dinner, we boarded our bus and departed for the Rose Cottage, a local hostel that would provide our lodging for the evening.

Though a picture tells a thousand words, we have more words to share than these pictures can tell.

Nevertheless, here are some more photos:

Ecuador Day 1: Old Town Quito, Empanadas, and More! (MC and Will Take Over)

We are so excited to share about our week in Ecuador!!!! 

Welcome to Day 1 of our adventures in Ecuador with Marley Cate and Will:

We headed to the Raleigh Airport at 2 AM on Thursday and were met with a very warm welcome upon arrival in Ecuador by John, Chivita, and Estefi.

On Friday morning we got to take in some of the beautiful scenery at El Refugio (where we stayed for the week) before heading out to explore Old Town Quito. 

First stop: The Basilica del Voto Nacional!

This is the largest neo-gothic Basilica in the Americas and was blessed by Pope John Paul II on January 30, 1985.
The Basilica remains "unfinished" and local legend says the world will end when it is...

We were amazed by the architecture...

...the beautiful views...


...and the many steps!

We left from there to see more of Old Town Quito, which we learned is one of the best-preserved Spanish colonial towns in the world! 

We made a stop at Plaza Grande, where we learned about the current president, and enjoyed a pretty traditional lunch where we got to try an array of fresh juices, plantains, lentils, and more! Having fresh juice all week long was a special treat for us! (Passionfruit and soursop juice were some of our favorites!)

We got to take the Metro towards our next stop at Youth World!
The Metro recently opened so it was a pretty big deal that we got to ride it. 
It was so clean!

...but first a quick stop for ice cream!

 MC gives the orange and roasted strawberry/watermelon mint combo a 10/10.
Will was a big fan of the café and chocolate!

We had very informative sessions from Cameron Vivanco at Youth World. We were able to learn about each of the organizations under Youth World, including E=H, which we served with this week. 

She also gave us some tools to not let the fruit resulting from our time in Ecuador die off, as well as encouragement that we could still be seeing fruit resulting from the trip decades from now!

Learning how to make homemade empanadas from Jorge Luis' mom was a highlight of the day for many of us! 

Jacob G. gets the award for best looking empanada!

We can't wait to share more pictures with you throughout the week! 
More pictures from Day 1:

That's it for today! 
- MC and Will

UPDATE Week of March 4

Good times!

The Fellows brought home the golden plastic at the first annual Carolina Cocktail Party!

Round Table at the Bost Cabin!

We had the sweetest time with John and LaDonna on Monday where we ate and sang and shared. 

LaDonna inspired us with both her hospitality and her story!

Clara is devising

Leader Lunch at Truist Park!

It was a day of sport on Wednesday at Truist Park with NC Fusion. 

Sarah Bridges - Chief Experience Officer

Scott Wollaston - Chief Executive Officer

We heard stories, got some great advice and also some swell swag!

Classes at the Fellows House!

Steve Lineberger finished up his four part series on Beautiful Leadership

Steve Angle finished up his three part series on Listening to God

So basically, the Fellows are set for life.


We had the great opportunity to spend time on Wednesday with our friends at WSSU RUF

Four great panelists shared with us about the state of the church. 

We left so inspired and encouraged. Thank you Jonah, Travon, Christina and team!

Carolina Cocktail!

On Friday, the Fellows headed down to Charlotte to join in the first ever Carolina Cocktail with the Charlotte Fellows, Davidson Fellows, and Greensboro Fellows. Good good good times. 

Each team was to create a drink inspired by their city. Third year Fellow Trent helped us create the Reynolds - smoke and all!

Pray for Caleb!

Our beloved Caleb Hoekstra experienced a set back on his quest to NBA glory. He fell poorly after doing a reverse layup and dislocated his kneecap. 

Surgery awaits. Major bummer. It's going to be a journey. Please Pray!

We are thrilled to announce Madison Hardy to the team!

Madison frankly blew us away! Get ready Winston-Salem...here she comes!

Please help us recruit! We are looking for 12 Fellows to join us for our 24-25 year. We can't do it without prayer and without your help!


Sarah Angle would love for you to give to the Fellows. 

Here's how:
Send checks to Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
WSNC 27120

Or give online:

try monthly giving. a small amount every month won't hurt and will help us out immensely!

Looking Forward
Monday: Round Table at the Fellows House...no host this week! If you would like to host in the future please contact us!

Tuesday: Prayer

Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Gardner Barrier at FCDS

Thursday-next Thursday: a little thing called Ecuador!

Prayer Matters
Please pray for our trip to Ecuador!
Pray that God would meet us profoundly and use the Fellows to make an impact for the Kingdom.
Pray for our safe and on time travel
Pray for safety and health
Pray for God to show up and show off
Pray for recruiting - specifically for Christa, Seth, Alex, Jed, Ava, and Drew
Pray for our families

More Pics

Keep up sharing the story and spreading the love


UPDATE Week of Feb 26

an amazing week in Fellows world. it seems nowadays, everywhere you look, there goes someone connected to this mission...


welcome to the world Miles Miller!

Andrew and Abby Miller (year three Fellows) wish to introduce you to their Valentines Baby, Miles! Everyone is doing well. 

welcome to the family Zachary!

Zachary Lane made the smartest decision ever and proposed to Brianne Schapira on Saturday! We could not be more excited to welcome you into the family. 

So excited for this Kingdom power couple!


This is the closest picture I could get for our Round Table Meeting. While it is true that we ate dinner at the Fellows House (thanks to the generosity of Denise Heidel!), we did not have breakfast for dinner. We had barbeque. So imagine that plate is barbeque and you get the picture. 

Thanks for special guest Emi Holman who taught us about Ecuadorian Culture!


A Big Highlight this week was our Leader Lunch over at the Enterprise Center with Alvin Borders! Alvin is one of the coolest cats I know. And he brought the food in style in his Food Truck!

If you ever need a Food Truck for an event - go with Queens Wings. Alvin is truly the best.

One of the most generous men I know.


We had a fun filled Friday night with the Fellows Alumni Crowd over at Radar!!!!


Hannah Blaine swooped through town!

Palmer brought friends! Welcome to Winston, guys!

Clara introduced her parents to the crowd. So did Jacob Cairns! We love parents!

Speaking of parents, Christian and Sydney introduced their daughter Ada to coffee on Sunday

The Fellows showed up in force at the Kiwanas Pancake Jamboree!

The two Jacobs joined David and Ned at the Fleet Feet Glow Run


Noah and Darma were two of the Leaders at the River Oaks Ski Weekend.


Will was being recruited! Yikes!

Speaking of recruitment, we are waiting to hear back from two offers sent last week. We are in pursuit of several more Fellows. So keep up your praying! It is working. 

If you are aware of a young man or woman who would benefit from a career catalyst community rich experience - please put them in contact with Hef or Ned. Thank you!

winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com would work


We need your financial support!

Please give today at



David got his drivers permit!

Monday: Prayer, Meetings, and Round Table at the Bosts!
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: Leader Lunch at Scott Wollaston, Bible Study, and Career and Grad School Fair at WSSU and Meeting with Students at WSSU
Thursday: Solitude
Friday: Classes and Carolina Cocktail!

Pray for Fellows as they prepare to go on our Mission Trip! NEXT WEEK!!!!!
Pray for our recruiting and recruiting for other Fellows Programs
Pray for our families that we would grow in love with each other and Jesus
Pray for our Fellows as they. discern their next step on the journey



Thanks All! Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!!!!!!