Winston-Salem Fellows

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May Update


I don't know about your May, but the Fellow's May was Crazy!

There was much sweetness, some of it bittersweet, as we wrapped up Round Tables, Leader Lunches, Service, and Classes.

May 12, we had our end of year Celebration - truly a highlight of the year. 

On May 14, we headed on our end of year Mission Trip to Alaska! We will tackle Alaska over the next few weeks. 

This Update will focus on the last few weeks of the program!


Thanks to the Askews, Trollingers, and Ericksons for hosting us for Round Tables! 

We were able to take advantage of the time together to celebrate a few Fellows bithdays as well as prepare for our Mission Trip!

Grateful to be outside once again!


We had two of our very best Round Tables to finish up the year. Above, we were hosted by Keith Vest of the Variable. 

Below, we had Joshua Swift over to the Fellows House for a great afternoon lunch. My favorite part are conversations after lunch!

We also had a great lunch by committee at the Baird Group!


We finished strong with classes with Nigel Alston (always a fan favorite) and Steve Angle who mesmerized us with Scripture and stories!

Thank you guys for using your gifts for us!


Oh what a night! 

It was beautiful weather and beautiful people and beautiful blessings spoken over each one of our incredible Fellows. 

Our year end celebration really is one of those little windows into heaven!

Thank you Board for your work putting this event together. 

And thank you employers, mentors, family friends, Bible study leaders, community volunteers, special friends, and families! for making this event so special.


We also wrapped up community service for the year both on the neighborhood front and with the sweet children at Crossnore! 

A special shout out to Ashlyn and Jamo who faithfully served despite having their church dissolve halfway through the year! I'm so proud of the two of them. 

Face painting, 9 Square and fun at Crossnore with the kids!


It was fast and furious, but the Winston-Salem Fellows took our nation's capital by storm at the end of April for the National Fellows Conference. 

Doing some DC shopping!


This was a no-brainer for all of us - but Sarah Angle our 2022 graduate was award the first ever Tripp's Hero award for her service to the community. 

We could not be more proud of Sarah. Well done good and faithful servant!


We are looking for a few more fine Fellows to join our class for 2022-23. 

If you know of a recent college graduate who would benefit from a year of professional and personal development, please connect us to them. 

email their contact to today!

or send them to our website where they can apply:


We need your support!

Please consider donating to this mission today!


Or write a check to 

Winston-Salem Fellows

PO Box 20514

Winston-Salem, NC 27120

All donations are tax deductible! 



Well, sometimes good things do come back around. 

I am humbled and over-the-top excited to back, serving as Co-Director of the Winston-Salem Fellows. 

I am confident our best years are ahead for us! Thank you to the Board, the Fellows World, and Hef for welcoming me back with open arms. 


Stay Tuned! We have some AMAZING PHOTOS and stories from our Alaska Trip coming your way!


Keep sharing the story and spreading the love, friends!