Winston-Salem Fellows

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January 2024 Update


January 2025 Update

The Fellows have hit the ground running in 2025. We had our Testimony Retreat, Biblical Vocational Training, and a few other things. 


At our first gathering after Christmas Break we celebrated Kevin with a delicious ice cream cake. The Fellows were kind to also celebrate Hef with a homemade cookie cake. Celebrating one another is one of our greatest traditions. 

Leader Lunches

We had the privilege to meet with Brian Peacock who is the Director of PA Studies at WFU. He's an incredible communicator and we were honored to hear parts of his story. 

We also met with Joe and Duncan Maye, the Directors of  Rise Academy We were inspired by their story and the school they've built for the Waughtown community. (Fun fact: Madison H. is employed by Rise Academy this year)

Snow Days

The Fellows enjoyed our first snow in several years! They had plenty of space on Crossnore's campus to throw snow balls, sled, make snow angels, etc.  Snow can bring out the inner kid in all of us!

Testimony Advance

Every January, the Fellows go to the beach to share our testimonies. Several Fellows would say they shared parts of their past they've never shared before. It was an honor and privilege to listen to each others stories, ask questions, pray, and encourage one another.

During breaks we logged some miles on the beach. (Those of us over the age of 25 learned we can't walk too far on the beach without proper food support.) The Fellows were broken up into teams to cook our dinners every night. We also had a couple pretty intense games of Catan. 

Samaritan Ministries

Throughout the year the Fellows have had the opportunity to serve at a couple fundraisers for  Samaritan Ministries. This month, we actually went and heard from several staff members about the history and impact that Samaritan Ministries is having in our community. We also were tasked with organizing a closet and making personal care item bags for their guests. Be sure to check them out and consider volunteering!

Biblical Vocational Training

Each year the Fellows are given several different assessments that help them know and understand their gifts, strengths and weaknesses. This year, we partnered with the Greensboro Fellows and welcomed Cameron Barham to lead us through this training. Cameron helped us interpret our results on the Highlands Ability Battery and MCODE. More importantly, he walked us through a biblical understanding of vocation and our callings. We're thankful to partner with the Greensboro Fellows on this and grateful for the hospitality of  Hope Presbyterian Church.


If you or someone you know is a recent college graduate and is interested in the Fellows program, we are currently accepting applications for 2024-2025. During our nine month program, Fellows are challenged and stretched in new ways. They are given the resources and time to consider next steps. They have the opportunity to experience rich community and so much more! If you're interested in learning more you can  check out our website.


Though program costs have risen due to natural inflation, we have decided to not raise our tuition cost anymore. We rely on the support of our community to keep welcoming these incredible young men and women to our city.  We would love to have your support!  You can donate here!