At Winston-Salem Fellows, we rejoice that the gospel is bearing fruit and growing—not just in Fellows but into all the world—as we understand God’s grace in all its truth (Colossians 1:3-6).
Understanding and living out our identity in Christ in our relationships, churches, jobs, and communities is the heart of our year together. Sent out two-by-two to worship and serve in local congregations, studying God’s Word together weekly, and being taught by experienced Christian leaders in Friday classes are foundational ways the Lord presses the gospel deeper into our hearts during our year together.
By participating in a sponsoring church and committing time to ministry roles each week, Fellows embrace the idea that faith is not limited to a specific day; rather, it enriches all areas of life, work, and service.
We want to take intentional time to study the life and character of Jesus as we grow to be more like him.
Throughout the year, we will go through one of the gospels together during our weekly Bible Study.
We have a dynamic list of courses taught by incredible teachers. Some examples of classes range from:
Introduction to the Old Testament
Spiritual Formation
Budgeting 101
The Narrative of Scripture
Gospel-Centered Work and a few more!
Since there are no grades or final papers, our hope is that Fellows will love learning for the sake of learning.
We believe that true fellowship with God shouldn’t be confined to one day of worship a week. Being actively involved in the church requires a willingness to engage and a commitment to community.
Fellows will become an integral part of a sponsoring church community by attending worship services on Sundays and committing to serve each week in a ministry within that church.
This involvement provides Fellows with an opportunity to grow in their faith and strengthen their church community through service.
In the Spring, Fellows have the opportunity to experience international cross-cultural, faith-based service during a week-long mission trip.
At the heart of our program is a commitment to serve, inspired by Jesus. Fellows make an impact through meaningful service—whether it's helping with childcare and worship at their church or volunteering over the weekend. We also intentionally commit to serve at a local nonprofit at least once a month, furthering in his step.
Our journey is more than professional development; it’s building a legacy of love, hard work, and transformation in every corner of Winston-Salem.