Update Week of September 25

Greetings! From Winston-Salem

Round Table

We had some good old Carolina Barbeque at the Whitworths on Monday

Ruby their dog was the highlight. 

Leader Lunch

Betsy Annese came through in a pinch with a dynamic Leader Lunch! She is one of the best storytellers I know and just so happens to have one of the best stories to tell!

Thanks Betsy!

Fall Fun

It's fall y'all

The Fellows had a full Saturday, starting with an Apple Festival


Painting Pumpkins


Checking out a soggy but undaunted crowd at the Bookmarks Festival

Joy Prom

Then volunteering and dancing the night away at Joy Prom!

That's what I call a Saturday.

Space Force

Tori (our beloved alum) was in town for the Regional Championships of Ultimate Frisbee. Her team Space Force had high hopes to make Nationals (and were seeded number one) but alas fell short. 

In the games we watched, Space Force dominated. Wow such fun!

Her host family and mentor also came along to cheer!

What's Cooking?

Murder at the Fellows House?

Nope. Palmer is just learning how to make salsa

New Skills

Speaking of new skills. Fellows are all on the job. Owen (beloved Fellows alum) is showing Palmer the ropes. He is on step two. 

The Fellows are also learning new modes of transportation

Sports Desk

Thank you to the lady who captured Anna Rose's game wining goal on Monday!

David has set PR's in every race this season!


Come on along!

Applications are open for our next class of Fellows. It is not too early to apply!

In fact, our first application is already in. 

Apply today by going to https://www.wsfellows.com/take-action


It is also not too early to give!

Send Checks to 

PO Box 20514
WSNC 27120

or give online at

Look Ahead

I bought this car when we started the Fellows...that's a lot of miles!

Monday Round Table
Tuesday Prayer
Wednesday Leader Lunch with Bill McClain and Bible Study
Friday Fall Advance!!!!

More Pics

Thanks all!

Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!