The Fellows really do get around! This week was just one more example of it...Above we have the Fellows at City Lights Ministries, sort snack packs for their little friends. Below, we have Stephanie at Chad's Chai, typing away at her book!
Round Table
We had an awesome time with the Frick family for Round Table on Monday night. Since it was Passover we had a special dinner and shared communion with each other.
Thank you Fricks for opening your home to us!
Service Day Part 1
Once a month, we do a special Leader Lunch and spend the time at a local ministry to do service. This month was with Melanie Bell and City Lights Ministry
After learning about her family and the work they do, we created snack bags for children and organized clothes as they transitioned from winter to summer in their clothing ministry.
Service Day Part 2
We double dipped and kept the momentum going with a deep clean both inside and outside of the Fellows House.
We triple dipped with classes this week!
First with Rob Alexander on Gospel-Centered Work
Then, Clay Cooke with Foundations of Faith and Humanity
Then, Stephen Edwards on Career Discernment and Decision Making
The classes even went long, but the Fellows were zoned in!
The fellows worshipped around Winston-Salem
They also served in youth groups around town
About Town
They certainly get around!
Ned made a quick trip down to High Point University for recruiting.
We are still looking for men and women to fill up our class for next year. If you or you know someone who might be interested, please connect us to them or them to us! is one way
or text (336) 413-4918
Thanks! God might be using you to impact a life!
The Fellows Program needs faithful supporters like you!
Become one today by going to our secure website:
Looking Forward
Monday: Round Table at the Paynters
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Jen Sanders
Thursday: Speaking at Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber
Friday: Class
Saturday: Hammerbird 5k
Sunday: Cinco de Mayo!
Prayer Matters
Please pray for the Fellows as they are making decisions about their next steps
Please pray for all of us to savor the last few weeks of the program and finish well
Pray for our volunteers: mentors, families, and board members
Pray for our finances that people would be generous to this program
Pray for recruiting! We are asking for twelve Fellows for next year and we have a ways to go!
More Pics

Thanks all! Please keep sharing the story and spreading the love!