We have learned over the years to ramp up our programming for the Fellows. Each week in September, we map on one more element until we get to our weekly rhythm. This week, we have finally arrived! All that to say, the Fellows have not been idle. Far from it! Here are a few things we have been up to the last week.
Boys and Girls Round Tables
Our first three Round Tables have been hosted this year by Fellows Alumns! How cool is that?
Thank you to Hayes and Haley Mabry!
Thank you to the Miller Mansion (Caleb, Owen, Sam and Wil)
Thank you to the Hawthorne House (Bryn, Caroline, Louise and Michelle)
What a gift you all are!
Jayson Sloan for the Win
We had to make a quick substitute for our Leader Lunch two weeks ago. Fortunately, we have an incredible bull pen.
Jayson Sloan, one of our newest Board Members, stepped up and brought the heat!
I had the privilege of going to hear him twice that week as I visited St. Peters World Outreach
Dr. Anthony Atala blows our Minds
We had the honor of spending a couple hours over at WFIRM (Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine) with Dr. Anthony Atala.
Dr. Atala shared his story as well as insights on how his faith has impacted his work and how his work has impacted his faith. It was mind-blowing!
Afterward, we were able to get a tour of the facilities. What a cool experience to see Real Life Science NON-Fiction!
Thank you Tony!
Hanging Out at Hanging Rock
We were in Emi's element two Fridays ago as we took class on the road to spend the morning learning from God's Creation.
The crew.
Meg does not want me to tell you who won
What an awesome day! We are so blessed in the Piedmont to be so near so many state parks and other beautiful places.
Center For Creative Leadership
Thursday and Friday, we spent in Greensboro with the Greensboro Fellows, no less, at the center for Creative Leadership.
We spent two days thinking and learning about Self-Awareness, Communication, Learning Agility, and Influence.
Thank you Creative Team for your facilitation.
We ended our time together sharing Vision Statements and speaking truth over each other. POWERFUL!
Mattie's Wedding!
To no one's surprise Mattie was a beautiful bride!
And threw a party for the ages. So happy for them (Mattie and Trad). May the Lord rest his favor on you, your marriage, your family, and the community where you live.
Rahel's Engagement!
We also celebrate first year Fellow Rahel's engagement.
You are one lucky ducky Zach!
September Birthdays!
September is definitely loaded with birthdays. This ain't all of them, but last week we celebrated Sydney's, Louise's and Caleb's back to back to back!
Thomas Laws is coming up this Thursday.
Even the Co-Director had one!
We have opened up our application for the 2023-24 Fellows Class! Believe it or not, it is time to apply!
If you or someone you love have any interest in becoming a Winston-Salem Fellow, please contact
It is fundraising season for a lot of non-profits. So while you have your checkbook out, give to the WS Fellows!!!
go to
and click the donate button
or send checks to
Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120
Thank you!
Looking Ahead
Round Table at Hawthorne House
Leader Lunch with Steve Lineberger
Classes begin with David Speakman and Jeff Trollinger
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