We are fresh off my favorite weekend of the Fall - the WS Fellows Fall Advance. It's this weekend that often stands out as one of the pivotal moments for the Fellows. It is a time to reflect and rethink and get more vulnerable with each other and bond. It often is the weekend when the group finally glues together. This weekend was no different. What a special special time .
Fellows Page!
The 2022-23 Fellows Page is up on our website. Check it out!
We also are upping our instagram game. Make sure you follow us! @wsfellows
Leader Lunch with Lia
We had a talented, brilliant and drop dead gorgeous speaker for Leader Lunch this week: the distinguished Dr. Lia Erickson!
We have a few Fellows interested in healthcare. We all were, but they in particular, were hanging on her every word. What a day!
Covid Care
We had a couple Fellows come down with the crud. The Fellows did a fantastic job caring for them. Can you say - care package delivered via window!
Fall Advance
The Fellows went to the mountains this weekend...
Hef and Molly glued their faces together. Just kidding.
Wyatt caught a whopper.
Callie caught her first ever fish!
Thomas dinged the bell
Meg took the reins
The girls beat the boys in the hamster wheel race
A barrel full of Fellows
Hef dominated on the track
Emi played with fire
Lucy and Hef were code name champs
Lucy and Jazmine danced the night away
Jacob and Emily!
Jacob got his girl!
And live streamed the proposal!
Congrats Emi and Jacob! Can't wait to celebrate with you.
Three generations of Fellows are serving at church! Sunday was the 101st Church Stravaganza
It is the giving season. Please join us in your support of this program.
Give online RIGHT HERE
or send checks to
WS Fellows
Po Box 20514
WSNC 27120
Thank you!
It's party time!
And we want you to join us. Apply today to be a part of the WS Fellows!
Looking Ahead
Monday: back to work and chill Round Table
Tuesday: work and Lewisville Chamber of Commerce Day
Wednesday: Special Wednesday Class with David Speakman, Bible Study and welcoming the TFI Board
Thursday: work and National TFI Board Retreat
Friday: Class, TFI Board, and Crossnore Chapel
More Photos (A lot more photos)