Ecuador Day 1: Training and Introductions (Emi takes over)


We arrived in Quito, Ecuador at 1:00 am Friday morning. John and Chavita picked us up from the airport and took us to our hostel where we stayed for most of the trip. 

After a couple hours of sleep we woke up the next morning to a wonderful breakfast. Every morning we had fresh croissants with freshly squeezed juice. After breakfast we did introductions and cross-cultural training at the hostel. The room we did the training in gave us this wonderful view of the active volcano Cotopaxi.

Then we toured the Basilica. 

We were all very tired!

Next, we walked around Old Town and learned about the history of the city.

Then we headed to the offices of  Youth World. We met Cameron, the head of Education = Hope. We were trained on how Youth World is the umbrella organization for Education = Hope and so many others.

Our day finished with dinner at our fearless leader's house! We had some wonderful coconut fish at John's house.

Meanwhile back home, we had leader lunch with Bo Brookby! Thank you for all the wisdom you shared with us Bo.


Emi, signing off!