Day 3 was a day that was full of worship, fellowship and sharing of powerful personal stories. This day reminded us that the Lord is truly at work all over the world. The kingdom of God is a global kingdom. It is a multifaceted kingdom full of diverse people reflecting the Lord’s beautiful image.
“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the lamb.” - Revelation 7:9
We worshipped with Carmen Bajo and heard a sermon that was translated for us by John. The children performed a song which brought a smile to everyone in the room.
We spent the afternoon with the college students of Carmen Bajo. After introductions Thomas, Meg, Molly and Ned led us in a few worship songs. This was followed with playing games for the rest of the time. We were all playing a variety of games such as foosball, ping pong and spicy UNO. The amazing part about the games was that even though there was a language barrier the universal language of a smiles and laughter strongly prevailed.
We split up into two groups later in the afternoon to do house visits. A group of us went to visit Joel’s house and the rest went to Daisy’s house. This was a very special time of the week as we were welcomed into homes and got to hear a little bit of their stories. I was apart of the group that was invited into Daisy’s home. We saw the Lord show up powerfully when Daisy shared hard parts of her story that we were honored that she would trust us with. Both groups prayed before they departed which is always a great way to say goodbye.
Thomas and Josue shared a connection as soon as we started playing soccer together on Saturday. Thomas ended up giving his Wake Forest hat to Josue which was awesome to see because Thomas really liked that hat. It was a very personal gift and a cool thing to see.
Our final stop for the day was at Casa Gabriel. Casa Gabriel is a ministry of Youth World and partners with Education Equals Hope. They equip at-risk children/youth with academic, emotional, and spiritual tools so they can positively and effectively address the challenges and problems around them. We got to hear one of the guys, Luiz, share his story with us. It was a such a powerful story of redemption and an incredible testimony of how the Lord has worked in his life. The vision of Casa Gabriel is “To see redeemed youth who experience the transforming power of God in their lives, families and communities and Luiz is a living example of beautiful redemption. Once he was done sharing his story with us, if you weren’t impacted by it you didn’t have a pulse…. The guys had made spaghetti for dinner and we shared a meal with them for the rest of the evening.