UPDATE Week of May 1

A Good Week to be a Fellow

It was a sweet week around here. After a really busy weekend, several Fellows took a breath and headed to the mountains for an overnight adventure and a big hike on Saturday.

Round Table
Didn't get a picture, so you will have to take my word for it. We had a fabulous Round Table with Elisabeth Anthony (Fellow Alum! Woo Hoo!) On her big front porch this week. 

With the RJR Band in the background and getting to wave at strolling neighbors - it really did feel like we were a part of the fabric. 

Which we are. 

thanks Elisabeth!

Leader Lunch

Drew Gerstmyer, the architect, developer, and all-around amazing guy wow-ed the Fellows once again with some of the stories that have made him the man he is. 

I am grateful we have men like him in this city. Half the places I frequent this guy played a part in making them happen.

thanks Drew

Bible Study

Shout out to Shannon and David and Rob and Cyndy for leading Bible Study this year. You are number one in my book!

Class with Nigel and Leadership Edge
Another photo fail, but golly gee, we had a swell time with Nigel on Friday. Leadership Edge wasn't so bad either! A good good day of learning was had by all.

Cabin Time
Most of the Fellows had planned a camping trip for this weekend. However, with thunderstorms in the forecast, they pivoted to a weekend at the Erickson Cabin. 

They were welcomed by a critter or two as we had not been up there in a while. But a great time was had by all!

Stone Mountain
The sun came out on Saturday and the Fellows headed down the street to Stone Mountain State Park to hike the loop. 

They made one wrong turn and were very grateful when they finally made it back to their car! Ha!


This week we had a long "interview" with a potential Fellow who got to hang out with us for most of the day on Wednesday and Friday! He certainly got a good taste test. 

We hope to officially interview him this week. 

We are in process with another potential Fellow. 


Please help us recruit today!


We are so thankful for all the men and women who have supported us over the years. We need that support. No. Seriously, we need it!

Please give today. 

or send checks to 

Winston-Salem Fellows
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120

A Look Ahead
Monday: Round Table at the Hilliard
Tuesday: Prayer
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Marshal White
Thursday: Teaching a Why Work Workshop at the BUDD Group
Friday: Classes with Leadership Edge and Mark Nicholson!
Saturday: NCS Family Day

More Pics

thanks all!

keep sharing the story and spreading the love!