A Sweet "Quiet" Week
After a full October culminating in the Fellows Fall National Conference, we took a slower approach to the week. Monday, the Trollingers came over the Fellows House for a pasta Round Table. Wednesday and Friday, we had Martha Metzler come in to talk about Emotional Health and Unpacking Our Stories by Looking at the Emotional Journey of Jesus. GOOD STUFF!
Every year the Fellows go to the beach in January for our Testimony Advance.
Do you or do you have access to a beach house we could use for MLK Weekend? Please let us know by emailing winstonsalemfellows@gmail.com
Thank you!
This would be huge!
Martha Martha!
Martha Metzler - owner of Martha Metzler Wellness PLLC has been knocking it out of the park this week with the Fellows. What a gift to learn from this marvelous human!
Thank you Martha!
Other Highlights
There was also the Chris Renzema Concert
The unveiling of the new professional soccer team for the Triad
Welcome Carolina CORE FC!
Some Wake Forest Basketball and Football Games
Game Night at the Erickson Casa
Among other things...
Bryn paid a visit to Rossi in Kentucky! Woo Hoo!
Recruiting Update
So far no applications...pray!
But we have had some great conversations with some potential applicants.
Pray for
Lillian, Ian, Isabelle, Noah, Peter, Michael, Lance, and Kate!
We need your support!
If you have a minute, CLICK HERE and donate today!
Or send a good old fashioned check to
PO Box 20514
Winston-Salem, NC 27120
Monday: Round Table at Sarah and Sydney's
Tuesday: Leaders and Lunch - Community Growth Discussion
Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Gary Gunderson and Bible Study
Thursday: Big Chat on Gun Violence
Friday: Martha Metzler and Crisis Control Poverty Simulation
Saturday: Wake Football
Sunday: Church and Friendsgiving!
Thanks All!
Keep sharing the story and spreading the love!