UPDATE Week of December 5


That time of year!

The Week

it truly is a wonderful time of the year. the weather has gotten chilly - just the way Hef likes it! the lights are out - the festivities have begun - the cheer is real, y'all. I hope you feel it.

Round Table

Tim and Deborah Gardner hosted us on Monday night for a Round Table extraordinaire. Enchiladas were on the menu, as well as peppermint ice cream!

which picture do you like best for our Christmas card???

Leader Lunch

We had Leader Lunch with Lanie Ehlinger this week. As expected, it was the kind of lunch where you wanted to take notes - the Fellows did! as well as the directors!

Thank you Lanie! You are such a blessing.


The Mistletoe Half and 5k were on Saturday morning! This is Lucy and Callie before the race

This is them after (can you tell the difference? did they even break a sweat???)

My friend Richard captured this pic of my son and I.

Santa was looking great!


From there it was off to watch the World Cup. 

The game was exciting. Not the result we were hoping for. But the food was outstanding - and so filling I was unable to eat for the rest of the day. Flatland Burgers for the win!

Old Salem

The Fellows were invited to take part in the annual hanging of the garlands around the square of Old Salem.

Super fun!

Christmas Parade

All that led to the Annual Christmas Parade downtown!

Tree Lighting

Sunday night, we took part in the Crossnore Christmas Tree Lighting


I've been hanging with my man Lovelle at HPU doing some recruiting! 


The Fellows are in fundraising mode!

Please consider helping us out!

Give on line at wsfellows.com/give

or send checks to WS Fellows. PO Box 20514. WSNC 27120

as always. Thanks!

Looking Forward

We have been getting some pretty seriously beautiful sunrises and sunsets this week!

Sunrise? Sunset???

You guessed right - this is Sunrise.

Monday: Round Table at the Raineys

Tuesday: Prayer

Wednesday: Leader Lunch with Betsy Annese and Bible Study

Thursday: Director's Call and Christmas for the City Meeting

Friday: Classes!

More Pics

thanks all! keep sharing the story and spreading the love!